
Our commercial solutions are wide and varied from grid-tied to off-grid solutions for customers that have high daily loads, including industrial complexes, filling stations, cell-phone towers, shopping centres and lodges.

All installations have remote monitoring services and Eco solar provides after hours back-up where required.

Grid-tied solution

This system connects to the BPC grid and reduces daily consumption and energy bills. This solution provides the shortest payback period. System size dependent, typical energy savings are around 35%. Eco Solar will provide you with a design that factors in your load requirements, peak consumption, and available budget.   

Off-grid solution

An off-grid solar system provides you with a constant and reliable renewable energy source.  Eco Solar typically designs these systems in combination with generator support during peak consumption and cloudy days. The design factors in load requirements and the client’s budget. The system can be designed in such a way that it is possible to scale-up should the user-requirements increase.

Technical support and maintenance

For clients with existing systems, Eco Solar can also assist with technical fault finding and system upgrades. Eco Solar also provides maintenance contracts for existing and future solar systems to ensure minimum downtime and maximum return on investment.

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